Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic

When Mountain Climbing Becomes Book Inspiration

When Mountain Climbing Becomes Book Inspiration

Hayden, my protagonist in Falling into Magic, is a hiker, and fairly new to the sport, just like me. I used my own experiences trekking through the great Pacific Northwest over the past year as the source of my material for the places in Destiny Falls where she enjoys her hikes through nature. 

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Why ‘Falling into Magic’ is Like a Denver Omelet

Why ‘Falling into Magic’ is Like a Denver Omelet

Ever been up to your eyebrows in a dense-as-a-pea-soup-fog read? You come up for air, ravenous. Wipe the sweat off your brow. And look around for something light. Fluffy. Fun and delish. The literary version of a Denver omelet.

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Welcome to Destiny Falls

Welcome to Destiny Falls

Guess what I did? After writing 13 parenting books, I decided to branch out and do something I’ve always wanted to do: I wrote a novel! My newest creation is Falling into Magic – it’s the first book in a unique, magical mystery series.

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