Why ‘Falling into Magic’ is Like a Denver Omelet

Posted by in Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic

Ever been up to your eyebrows in a dense-as-a-pea-soup-fog read? You come up for air, ravenous. Wipe the sweat off your brow. And look around for something light. Fluffy. Fun and delish. The literary version of a Denver omelet.

Falling Into Magic is that kind of a book.

Hayden is an editor/writer for Seattle-based Natural Living Magazine. She likes to write, read, and hike. Hayden also owns a Himalayan cat. The cat thinks she’s queen of the world. Cuz she really is. (Kimber: You think I’ve got attitude? Wait till you get a load of miss feline sassy pants, Toots.)

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Basic Plot

But before all that, Hayden’s childhood cat disappeared. Adults told her the cat wandered off. But Hayden knew better. She knew the mirror had taken her fur ball. (Think Alice and the Looking Glass-ish.)

Twenty years later, Hayden and her new cat fall into a construction hole and wake up in Destiny Falls. It’s “an alternate space.” A place of magic. They also discover clues about Hayden’s past. A mansion that builds itself. An extended family with more than a few secrets. Also, beware deep construction holes. Compact mirrors. Gardeners with bald heads and bushy beards. People trying to steal hairbrushes. But that’s a long story for another day.

Let’s just say it’s complicated. It’s also not long before her life is in danger.

Meanwhile, Destiny Falls is getting weird. And dangerous. Tampered brake lines result in a car crash. Break-ins occur. Someone’s serving up poisoned food. There’s also a murder. Hence the mystery. Can Hayden solve it before she becomes the next victim?

Best Part

Kimber: Best part of this book? The real stars of this show aren’t human. They’re not even two-legged. I’d keep an eye open for both, ‘fize you. While you’re at it, Buttercup, how ‘bout snagging me an extra blue satin pillow to go with that New York Steak? (Yes, the pillow’s a thing. You’ll have to read the book to get that, okay?)


Falling Into Magic is a quick and easy read. The plot is intelligent and agile. Characters are robust and full-bodied. The pace is lively and lithe. Generously seasoned with sass, class, and a dose of spunk, this book is just plain delish, Cupcake. It goes great with a hot cuppa, a roaring fireplace, an active funny bone, and the flavors of home. Perfect for November. Or anytime.  Just like a Denver omelet.

Falling Into Magic is the first book in the Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic series. I’m already looking forward to the next book!

Originally posted here.

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