The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns:
Amazing Sleep from Day One – For Baby and You
Elizabeth Pantley, a world-renowned expert on children’s sleep, created this guide to explain the ways we unintentionally prevent an infant’s natural sleep to occur, and to teach us the simple but powerful ways to maximize our newborn’s naps and nighttime sleep. Once you’ve learned the 15 Keys to Amazing Newborn Sleep you’ll easily make adjustments to how you treat your baby’s sleep. You don’t have to keep logs nor follow schedules or rules. Just by being aware of this information you will do things to improve sleep that you wouldn’t have known to do otherwise.
With The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns, you will learn:
● the things that trick us into disrupting a baby’s sleep
● how to identify the perfect moment for a nap
● ways to create a sleep-inducing environment
● tips to reduce the number of night wakings
● how to set the stage for great sleep throughout babyhood
The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns was field-tested by 122 test families with newborns. Their input refined the ideas to make them easy to understand and follow – by even the most sleep-deprived parent. When you apply these Keys you can help your baby sleep well and peacefully. And guess what? When your baby sleeps – you will, too!
“Yet again, Elizabeth Pantley spins her baby magic! She towers above her competitors by showing us what babies really need, and how best to give it to them. She teaches us to take advantage of our infant’s innate capacities to sleep and reminds us to be open to the messages our babies whisper to us.”
James J. McKenna, Ph.D.
Director, Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory, University of Notre Dame
“Well-presented, honest and evidence-based – this is the first book I have seen that translates scientific insights into a usable form for parents. Pantley recognizes that everyone is different, and a range of options is more valuable than a single “one size fits all” approach. I will be pleased to commend this book to parents.”
Professor Peter Fleming CBE
Professor of Infant Health & Developmental Physiology
University of Bristol
“Expectant and new parents, take heed! This is the one sleep book you need to read before your little one arrives, or immediately after birth. It will set a pattern not only for better sleep, but also for a healthy, nurturing relationship with your children for a lifetime to come.”
Nancy Peplinsky, Ph.D.
Founder, Holistic Moms Network
“When parents ask about sleep training, I’m happy that I can recommend an alternative: a book that allows everyone to get the sleep they need without resorting to potentially harmful cry-it-out methods. Thank you, Elizabeth Pantley, for The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns. It’s just what we need.”
Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Ph.D., IBCLC, FAPA
Author, The Science of Mother-Infant Sleep
Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, University of Hawai’i, Manoa
Editor-in-Chief, Psychological Trauma; Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Lactation
“The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns is a brilliant guide for parents of infants. If you feel strongly, as I do, that newborns should be treated gently, their needs respected, and their parents supported, you will find much to like in this book. It will be a key resource for parents, and for those who seek to support them.”
Professor Helen L Ball, BSc, MA, PhD
Director, Parent-Infant Sleep Lab, Durham University
Co-Founder the Infant Sleep Information Source
“As a general pediatrician in practice for 35 years, Pantley’s advice has been my ‘go-to’ for parents. With her latest book she provides a game plan to have happier, more flexible infants and, yes, happier, calmer parents who can actually enjoy their new babies. I am seriously thinking about providing this book to all new parents.”
Edward D Lewis, MD, FAAP
Lewis Pediatrics, New York
“How is your newborn baby like “The Princess and the Pea”? Just ask Elizabeth Pantley who has written the definitive book for new parents to easily learn their baby’s sleep cycles, the latest information on safe bed-sharing and how to learn their baby’s “language” and communication signals. Her suggestions for using pink-hued white noise and setting your baby’s biological clock are invaluable, and all new parents need to learn the real-life advice on helping infants fall asleep unaided *without* crying it out. How does your baby’s feeding pattern affect sleep? Why is darkness a factor? What about naps? Much more than a sleep book, “The No-Cry Sleep Solution” is written using evidence based research that Pantley did while working with numerous babies and families throughout the world. She gives parents many options, knowing there is not a one size fits all solution for helping newborns sleep better. A straightforward and uncomplicated read and definitely a book to be put on all new parents’ reading list. It is now on ours!”
Kerry Tuschhoff
Founder/Director of Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis