If your child is not regularly getting adequate daily sleep, they may be “chronically overtired” — and poor sleep will directly affect their daytime behavior, learning and growth.
Your child may not seem tired, because overtired children don’t always act tired — at least not in the ways we expect.

The following signs may indicate that your child is not getting an adequate amount of sleep. Do any of these apply to your child?
- Tends to be whiny, fussy or clingy
- Sucks his thumb, finger or pacifier at times other than bedtime
- Carries a blanket, stuffed animal or other lovey around during the day
- Is hyperactive, especially at times when you think he should be tired
- Is overly stubborn or dawdles frequently
- Has regular temper tantrums or easily becomes upset or angry
- Has difficulty falling asleep when put to bed
- Falls asleep frequently when in the car, bus or train
- Falls asleep in front of the television
- Often falls asleep on the sofa or floor before bedtime
- Sleeps later in the morning on days when the house is quiet
- Takes a long time become awake and alert in the morning
- Is not full of energy throughout the day
- Doesn’t seem as happy as they should be
Children who are chronically overtired will often resist sleep, not understanding that sleep is what they really need. It’s up to you to help your little one get the sleep they need.
Experts tell us that poor sleep habits formed in childhood can affect health, mood, learning and performance — both now and in the future. That’s why it’s so important to help your children establish good sleeping habits now, so that they can reap the benefits now, and for the rest of their lives.
TIPS from The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers & Preschoolers