Quarantine & Pandemic Behaviors in Children

Quarantine & Pandemic Behaviors in Children

The past few months have been hard on everyone, adults and children alike. Disruptions to normal schedules and routines, plus changes to the world at large with social distancing and mask-wearing. 

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Is Baby’s Sleep Causing Your Stress – or Could it be Postpartum Depression?

Is Baby’s Sleep Causing Your Stress – or Could it be Postpartum Depression?

Babies wake frequently at night. It’s how they are made. This creates a true challenge and struggle for the parents who must be up many times per night taking care of their baby. It’s challenging enough to tend to a wakeful baby, let alone do it when you yourself are desperately sleep deprived. It’s hard for any parent to deal with a baby’s sleeplessness, but it can be overwhelming if you are suffering from postpartum depression (PPD).

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Your Picky Eater: 7 Easy Ways to Help Them Try Something New

Your Picky Eater: 7 Easy Ways to Help Them Try Something New

Is your child unwilling to taste a new food? A picky eater must be exposed to something new as many as ten to fifteen times before even tasting it! Children trust familiar things in their lives and are often suspicious of something new and different—this applies to food too. A food that has an unusual appearance, color, smell, or texture can be off-putting to a young child. That’s why repeated exposure helps. Eventually the unusual food becomes familiar, and at that point, the child becomes open to the idea of tasting it and giving it a fair evaluation. Knowing these facts gives us insight into how to introduce new foods and what to expect when we do. Here are a few tips.

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Angry Parent? 10 Helpful Ways to Feel More Peaceful

Angry Parent? 10 Helpful Ways to Feel More Peaceful

Children are built to test our patience on a regular basis, but it is our responsibility as their parents to keep our cool and avoid turning into an angry parent. No one is perfect, and we all have our moments, but these strategies will help you maintain your parenting composure more often than not.

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Raising a Polite Child: 5 Great Ideas That Help and 2 That Don’t

Raising a Polite Child: 5 Great Ideas That Help and 2 That Don’t

A polite child with good manners doesn’t magically materialize. Kids need to be taught. And reminded. And then reminded again. Over time it will become part of who they are. But only with your gentle, consistent guidance.

You must decide that using good manners is important for your child to learn – and focus on teaching them daily.

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Aggressive Behavior in Children: Hitting, Biting, Kicking and Hair Pulling

Aggressive Behavior in Children: Hitting, Biting, Kicking and Hair Pulling

Aggressive behavior in children often occurs due to their lack of wisdom and self-control. It is not a sign that a child is hateful or mean. Kids are human beings and human beings will get angry, we can’t prevent that. What we can do is teach our children how to handle their frustration and anger in appropriate ways. If your child uses these physical acts to express her feelings, use some of the following tips to change her behavior.

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Take Time for YOU: 4 Important Reasons You Should

Take Time for YOU: 4 Important Reasons You Should

Why should you take time for you when there’s so much to get done?

It’s common for parents today to juggle a million tasks every day. To be constantly busy and consequently – stressed. They tend to their children’s needs, work and responsibilities with rarely a moment to themselves. They don’t eat right, they don’t exercise, they don’t get enough sleep and they rarely focus on self-care. This is all in the name of love and responsibility, but it has a way of backfiring if you’re not careful.

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