If your child is whining, it’s important to ask yourself whether they’re learning it from what you’re modeling at home.
Often, whining, fussing, and tantrums are caused by a child’s inability to express or control his emotions. The influence of other people’s demands and external conditions can further exacerbate those situations. Tiredness, hunger and frustration can also be triggers for whining.
As a parent, you can help your child avoid those circumstances. When you can pinpoint the reason for your child’s behavior and address that issue directly, you can calm your child. Often, you can stop the whining or tantrum in its tracks. You can learn how to identify your child’s emotional triggers before they are pressed. If you observe closely, you may be able to prevent many negative situations from even happening.
It’s also important to make sure you aren’t giving whining lessons. Busy parents often whine about messy rooms, sibling bickering, dawdling children, and of all things, their whining child. Check the tone and volume of your own voice and eliminate any whining you might be doing.
Children take cues about proper behavior from their parents. We sometimes send the wrong messages. Being aware of our own actions can help guide us to modeling the behavior we hope to see in our children.
~ These tips are from The No-Cry Discipline Solution. Learn more and buy it here.
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