No-Cry Sleep

The No-Cry Sleep Solution

Q&A With Elizabeth: Swaddling and Night-Waking

Q&A With Elizabeth: Swaddling and Night-Waking

We swaddle our newborn for naps. The problem is that it’s the only way she’ll sleep. When should we ween her from this – and how?
~ Cole, father of newborn Alec

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The No-Cry Sleep Solution Enhanced eBook

The No-Cry Sleep Solution Enhanced eBook

Exciting news! I’m happy to announce that The No-Cry Sleep Solution enhanced eBook
has been released!

This creation has been a dream of mine for a long time. I know that parents of babies and toddlers who have sleep problems are exhausted, and that reading a whole book can be a challenge – so we came up with the perfect answer!

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Is Your Child Tired at Bedtime?

Is Your Child Tired at Bedtime?

Ever try convincing a wide-awake child to go to bed? Not an easy task! Instead of bedtime battles, you can work with your child’s natural body clock so that he’s actually tired when his bedtime arrives.

Did anyone ever tell you, “You can’t make a child sleep, but you can make him go to bed.” This is true enough, but this theory creates chaos in the house when said child is jumping on the bed, playing in the bed, popping out of the bed and generally doing everything in the bed but sleeping! The missing link here is actually having him be tired enough to lie on the bed and . . . go to sleep.

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Sleepwalking and Sleep Talking

Sleepwalking and Sleep Talking

Does your child ever walk around the house in his sleep? Or do you have a nighttime chatterbox? If so you probably wonder if you need to do something about these nighttime activities. Here’s information and tips.

Sleepwalking and talking is common

It’s really normal! Nearly a third of children will have at least one sleepwalking episode. Boys are more likely to sleepwalk than girls. Sleepwalking tends to run in families, so if your parents, or your spouse’s parents, have a few humorous stories to embarrass you with, it’s likely you’ll have some stories of your own about your own children.

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