No-Cry Picky Eater

The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution

Should I Be Worried About My Picky Eater?

Should I Be Worried About My Picky Eater?

There isn’t a scientific definition of a “picky eater,” but most parents are familiar with certain behaviors surrounding their child and food. The good (and the bad) news is that picky eaters are very, very common. There are many healthy kids who still fall into the category of being a picky eater. In this post, I’ll cover some common traits of a typical picky eater as well as a few things that may signal there are other concerns that need to be addressed.

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How To Make Mealtime Fun for Your Picky Eater

How To Make Mealtime Fun for Your Picky Eater

When you have a picky eater in the house it can turn every meal into a battle. Brightening up the mood and getting creative with food are great ways to take the stress out of mealtime and bring more joy to your table, while getting your little one to eat. Try a few of these suggestions.

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Guess What? Your Picky Eater is a Normal Kid!

Guess What? Your Picky Eater is a Normal Kid!

The biggest problem that parents of picky eaters face is the perpetuation of the myth that children should want to eat healthy, well-rounded meals every day, that they should eat vegetables with gusto, hate junk food and turn down sweets and treats in favor of fresh fruit.

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Get a Sleepyhead to Eat a Good Breakfast

Get a Sleepyhead to Eat a Good Breakfast

Does your child wake up slowly with no appetite first thing in the morning? That’s a challenge worth solving because by the time the breakfast hour rolls around she might not have had anything to eat for as long as twelve to eighteen hours. This early nutrition is critically important to her health and well-being, so it’s worth the effort to find creative ways to convince her to have some breakfast.

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Preventing a Baby from Becoming a Picky Eater

Preventing a Baby from Becoming a Picky Eater

Picky eating is a very common childhood trait. While it’s not possible to entirely change your child’s food preferences, there are a number of things that you can do to help your baby accept more food choices right from the start. You can also modify your own actions to set up habits and routines that will picky-proof your child as he gets a bit older. All these ideas are steps to healthy eating, so there’s no harm in giving them a try!

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Eating Out with Kids

Eating Out with Kids

Do you enjoy dining out with your family but avoid it because it never turns out as fun as you hoped?

Spend the evening worrying about others looking your way?

You don’t have to give up eating out!

With a few simple changes at home (we all know great kids are grown within the home) you’ll be on your way to fun meals out with the whole family!

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