No-Cry Discipline

The No-Cry Discipline Solution

Car Seat Crying

Car Seat Crying

If your baby falls asleep almost before you’re out of the driveway, consider yourself lucky. Many parents struggle with kids who won’t spend five happy minutes in their car seats, which turns “running a quick errand” into a dreaded daily task.

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Is it small stuff or big stuff?

Is it small stuff or big stuff?


I remember a professor in college telling the class on the very first day, “If you put the same amount of attention into sharpening your pencil as into writing your thesis you will only succeed in making yourself a nervous wreck.” As a parent, you must deal with a million details every single day of life. If you make everything equal on the scale of importance – from putting toys in the toy box to choosing the right school, you will end up stressing yourself out and robbing yourself of the joys of raising children.

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Angry? Use 6 Steps to Stay Calm

Angry? Use 6 Steps to Stay Calm

Angry?  Use 6 Steps to Stay Calm

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Toys – What to Buy your Child

Toys – What to Buy your Child

Toys, toys, everywhere toys! You hear advice from all directions: “Don’t give your child too many toys—he’ll be spoiled.”  Or “Give your child lots of toys—they help to develop his brain!”

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How to Have Successful Playdates

How to Have Successful Playdates

Developing friendship skills takes time and experience. The only way young children will learn social skills is by practice, so even though there are plenty of bumps along the way it’s worth scheduling playdates with other children. Here’s how to make it work.

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Speed Up Your Dawdler

Speed Up Your Dawdler

Does your child move at an excruciatingly slow pace?  Do you find it frustrating when you need to get somewhere and you’re rushing about – yet you have to keep prodding him along?  


Children live according to a much slower clock than we adults do.  They are not thinking about what they are doing next, they are just enjoying each moment.   Why can’t we all live on “kid-time?”   Kids are looking at the color patterns in the carpet, looking at their toes, watching the cat sleep and so much more. But since we cannot live on “kid-time” here are some ideas to keep things moving along.

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