Should You Discipline a Baby?
When you look at your sweet, tiny baby, you can’t imagine that she’ll ever have a tantrum or decorate the walls with her crayons. Every child will make her share of mischief, discipline really isn’t about tantrums or writing on the walls. It’s about helping your child to make the right choices in life.
Read MoreThe Whining Child: Role Modeling
If your child is whining, it’s important to ask yourself whether they’re learning it from what you’re modeling at home.
Read MorePositive Thinking for Kids
During their growth and development, children go through many stages of self-doubt. They are always comparing themselves to others, and because it’s human nature to do so, they often see themselves as coming up short. As parents, we can offset this natural tendency in our children by giving them the skills to think more positively. It is important that you really listen to your children, and help them overcome their negative thoughts and beliefs. This is, of course, easier to do if you practice positive thinking, yourself.
Read MoreHow to Teach Your Child to Share
Little kids don’t have many possessions, and they get very attached to the things that they do have. Young children don’t fully understand how sharing will affect them or their toy, often feeling that if someone takes a toy they won’t ever get it back. That feeling of apprehension and uncertainty (plus inexperience), may be at the root of your child’s reluctance to share.
Read MoreToys – What To Buy Your Child
Toys, toys, everywhere toys! You hear advice from all directions: “Don’t give your child too many toys—he’ll be spoiled.” Or “Give your child lots of toys—they help to develop his brain!”
Read MoreCell Phones – Good & Bad Reasons to get your child a cell phone
Cell Phones – Good & Bad Reasons to get your child a cell phone.
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