No-Cry Discipline

The No-Cry Discipline Solution

Does Your Child Come When Called?

Does Your Child Come When Called?

When you call your child does it seem like he’s wearing ear plugs? After the third for fourth request do you have to go and get him? Here’s something to consider. Perhaps your child has learned exactly what you’ve taught him – the first three calls are just warm ups, and that you don’t really need him to move until you come and get him. But this routine can change! Here are some tips.

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10 Free Fun Things to Do With Your Kids

10 Free Fun Things to Do With Your Kids

Boring weekend ahead? Nothing interesting planned? Here are some ideas for fun, free easy things to do with your kids that can bring hours of fun.

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A Simple Trick for Gaining Cooperation

A Simple Trick for Gaining Cooperation

Don’t think of a cow.
Don’t think of a tree.
Don’t think of a cow standing by a tree.
Don’t think of your breathing— breathing in and breathing out.

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Why Short Cat-Naps Are Not Good Enough

Why Short Cat-Naps Are Not Good Enough

If your child’s naps are shorter than an hour and a half in length, you may have wondered if these brief naps provide enough rest for your little one. You might suspect that these catnaps aren’t meeting your child’s sleep needs – and you could be right. The science of sleep explains why a short nap takes the edge off, but doesn’t offer the same physical and mental nourishment that a longer nap provides.

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Enjoy your child’s “Unique-ness”

Enjoy your child’s “Unique-ness”

All children are unique. They all see life in their own way. Their personalities and life experiences color the way they act, the way they think, and the way they learn. They can respond differently from each other in the same exact situation. There isn’t one specific perfect way to raise all children – as they all require a slightly different parenting approach.

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Q&A with Elizabeth: Yelling, Sharing, and Dawdling

Q&A with Elizabeth: Yelling, Sharing, and Dawdling

Why do I always have to yell for my kids to do what I ask? ~ Lesley, mother to 2-year-old Lucy, 4-year-old Aiden and 6 year old Gloria

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