10 Ways to Raise a Happier Child
There are a wide variety of parenting styles, child personalities, and family situations; however, I have compiled 10 things that I truly believe will lead to a happier child. And we all know that happier children make for happier parents!
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Read MoreIs Your Child Waking Up Too Early?
If you don’t need an alarm clock because your child is an early bird, read on for tips and reclaim some morning shut-eye!
Some children are natural early birds, but only 10% to 15% actually have a biological tendency to be early risers. Many children wake up early because of reasons other than their biological alarm, and these can be changed. How do you know where your child fits on this scale? There are specific things to look for.
Read MoreHow to End Preschooler Back Talk
When you first hear your preschooler talk back to you it is often a simple expression of their emotion: “No! I don’t want to.” It is important to differentiate between your child’s feelings, and how he is expressing them. He is absolutely entitled to his feelings, but the problem is in the way that he is voicing them. A disrespectful pattern can quickly emerge and worsen if the communication pattern is not pointed out and corrected from the beginning.
Read MorePrevent Sneaky Car Naps
Does your child fall asleep briefly in the car and then wake up the moment you arrive home? Does he act like that ten minute snooze replaces a two-hour nap? This is common, and it makes you wonder if that catnap is really enough sleep. It’s not! And here’s why:
Read MoreThe Magic of the Hush Hour
Children of all ages can benefit from daily nap time, but there will be times when your child simply refuses to sleep. Unfortunately, this can result in a fussy child who is prone to tears, whining, and tantrums. If a nap does not seem to be happening, you can still create a Hush Hour routine that will provide helpful rest time for children, regardless of their age or their desire to nap.
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