Posts by blogEPantley

Why “No-Cry”?

Why “No-Cry”?

When I had my very first baby, over twenty- five years ago, I immediately and irrevocably became a tender mother. I did not believe that my baby—or any baby—should be left to cry it out to sleep — ever. I thought it was a cruel and heartless way to treat the tiny little love of your life, and I could not understand how anyone could do it. However, I also believed that babies need their sleep, and so do their parents.

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Can You Sleep Train a Newborn?

Can You Sleep Train a Newborn?

Parents of newborns are very tired people. Sleep becomes their holy grail. In their blurry-eyed state they sometimes they ask really crazy questions. Can you sleep train a newborn? is the one of the irrational questions that sleep-deprived people ask. Here are four reasons that that question doesn’t make any sense:

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Speed Up Your Dawdler

Speed Up Your Dawdler

Does your child move at an excruciatingly slow pace?  Do you find it frustrating when you need to get somewhere and you’re rushing about – yet you have to keep prodding him along?  


Children live according to a much slower clock than we adults do.  They are not thinking about what they are doing next, they are just enjoying each moment.   Why can’t we all live on “kid-time?”   Kids are looking at the color patterns in the carpet, looking at their toes, watching the cat sleep and so much more. But since we cannot live on “kid-time” here are some ideas to keep things moving along.

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When to Change from Two Naps to One Nap

When to Change from Two Naps to One Nap

When to Change from Two Naps to One Nap

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When Your Child Uses Bad Language

When Your Child Uses Bad Language

Think about it

“You’re a poopy-head!” Children find references and jokes about private body parts, waste products and body sounds hysterically funny. At a very young age they have figured out that certain words have a distinctively forbidden aura. Many children go through the phase of exploring these words. While normal, it still is socially inappropriate, and the sooner you take action, the sooner it will stop.

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