We’re going to a vacation at a home with a pool. To keep her safe, should we have our 3-year-old take swimming lessons before we go? ~ Kristin, mother to 3-year-old Rachel
Swimming classes can be fun, but until a child is older, any swim program is simply a way to introduce your little one to the water. Even a child who’s a capable little fish should not be left alone near a pool –not even for a second. Kid are unpredictable, and accidents happen in a second. So stay with your little one whenever you’re near the water.
My toddler loves the sandbox. Now I’m on bed-rest for my second pregnancy we can’t go to the park. Any suggestions for me? ~ Amy, mother to 2-year-old Reese and soon-to-be new baby sister
You can safely fulfill your daughter’s sandbox desires by filling a large bowl with a variety of colorful children’s cereals (nothing hard or ball-shaped) and supplying spoons, measuring cups, and other containers for play. Since you’re using cereal pieces, it’s okay if some end up in her mouth. (Don’t try this with beads, seeds, macaroni, or other items that pose a choking hazard.)
Need more tips? The No-Cry Separation Anxiety Solution has more gentle tips.